Monday, April 29, 2013

Picking the Destination

Thinking about travelling again? Where do you want to go?  Where is your next stop? 

Have you ever had that feeling that you want to travel but had no idea where to go?

So what you do?  Start checking with your friends and tag along with them even though you do not want to visit that place?

For me, the place that I wanted to go should be somewhere I had a strong feeling about.  The so-called “signs” that inspire me to spend good amount of time exploring the place there. 

These “signs” can be from a television program about the country that you happen to watch it, a book/magazine that you happen to pick up in a book store and flick through, a word of mouth from your friend whom they had visited it recently.

As long as you don’t feel pressurized, all these can be an indicator to you.  Just go with your intuition and you will enjoy the process in planning out your next stop. Submit your website to 20 Search Engines - FREE with ineedhits!